Friday, December 5, 2008

top christmas movies categories list

You could make a list of ten Christmas movies based on one from each of ten categories.
1-Classic black & white,
4- Comic,
5-Television specials,
6-Romantic comedies,
See my list of one from each category.

You can rely on Hollywood to help you find really good films. They do make some but you can rely on Hollywood producers wanting more, and getting the budget, and never mind the quality.
So in trying to make a list of classic Christmas films use this test. If Hollywood have done a sequel or done a remake the original was good, popular and lasting. The sequel or remake will be “in color” have not quite the same team and not quite the same quality. But you get the choice. Some times, you get the original and the second attempt on one DVD-say one and three quarters for the price of one!

If making a list of classic Christmas films should you really start with the ‘classics’ that were created before films?
Let’s start with Charles Dickens ‘A Christmas Carol’ lots of film versions to start with plus animations and the musical “Scrooge’ there might even be 10 versions!
Next Tchaikovsky and his ballet the ‘Nutcracker’ both ballet and animated versions on film.
Taking the principal that tried and tested through time is the criterion we would have the black & white era and then the Technicolor and the slowly modern - complete with special effects, animation and gizmos galore

With all the senimemt and uder lying message just right for these trying times. I the forties it wasn't all roses with may families missing a loved one and jobs difficult.
Wonderful Life 1946 James Stewart

Charles Dicken's a Christmas Carol has had a lot of attention from film makers. Lots of versions staring various good actors as Scrooge. And nowadays the animators have joined in, I haven’t seen it, hope to keep it that way but I ask you a “Barbie Christmas Carol”
Look here’s the DVD box. It is real I’m not making this up. Really a plastic pubescent doll in a ghost story! And she (it) gets to wear a princess dress, defiantly not in Dickens! I wonder why? Product promotion I bet you there’s a Barbie Christmas Carol toy set and with a dress your little girl will just have to have next Christmas! Next month! Now Daddy!
Top Christmas Movies List - wonderful memories you need to receate and pass on to todays kids. Check the list old, new and all with a happy ending. happy christmas and a fine '09-Have a good new year

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